As an leading spray booth supplier in both New Zealand and Australia, ACL Diagnostic Solutions LimitedTrading As Panda Spray Booth Bake Ovens has emerges into a new elite thermoFLo brand spraybooths.
thermoFLo booths is a deluxe line of high performance spray booths and finishing equipment dedicated to the collision repair workshops through out New Zealand and Australia, thermoFLo is dedicated to continuous improvement with innovative technologies – such as Digital Direct Fired Modulating System(DDFMS) and Rapid Cure IR systems.
thermoFLo has been strategically cooperating with all major paint manufactures such as PPG,Akzonobel and others to achieve the goal of long service and support to the industry across NewZealand and Australia.
This semi-automatic infra-red arch system uses short wave IR technology to rapidly cure paints and fillers from the inside out. The system is designed to fit into most spray booths and prep stations and can be retrofitted into existing spray booths.